Siding With The Right Legal Team

How a Criminal Attorney Can Help You Reinstating Your Driver’s License

25 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Driving is a privilege that many take for granted until they face a suspension or revocation of their driver’s license. Losing your license poses a significant hurdle to everyday life, from getting to work to running errands and taking care of your family. Fortunately, there are ways to reinstate your driver’s license, and a criminal attorney can help you navigate the process. In this blog post, we’ll explore how a criminal attorney can assist with license reinstatement. Read More …

Why Should You Hire a DUI Lawyer: The Importance of Legal Representation

5 December 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense that carries a heavy fine, license suspension, and, in some cases, jail time. If you're facing DUI charges, it's essential to seek legal representation from an experienced DUI lawyer. A DUI lawyer can protect your rights, defend your case, and ensure that you receive a fair outcome in court. This blog post will look at the top reasons why you should hire a DUI lawyer when facing DUI charges. Read More …

Will Your Criminal Case Ever Reach Trial?

23 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Most criminal cases never go to trial. However, that doesn't mean that you don't need a criminal defense lawyer. Defendants need to understand why a trial is unlikely in most cases and how that'll affect their cases. Plea Deals Plea deals are increasingly common in American courts. These are agreements where the prosecution recommends that the judge impose a lesser charge in exchange for the defendant pleading guilty. People plead guilty because they can't refute the state's evidence, do not have the resources to fight, or accept that lesser punishment like probation and a fine is a good-enough outcome. Read More …

The Hidden Costs Of A DUI: How A DUI Lawyer Can Help You Save Money

10 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Driving under the influence (DUI) is illegal and expensive. A DUI conviction can have significant hidden costs beyond the fines, legal fees, and court costs. These hidden costs can impact your finances and lifestyle for years to come. Knowing how a DUI lawyer can help reduce the financial impact of a DUI charge can assist you in determining if hiring one is the right move for you. Higher Insurance Premiums  Read More …

Can You Plead A Criminal Charge Down?

19 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Pleading guilty to a lesser charge is a common tactic in criminal law. The process allows defendants to face lesser penalties while permitting prosecutors to collect wins. If you're facing a charge, you might wonder if you'll be able to plead the case down. Here is what a criminal defense lawyer will want you to know about the pleading process and how it might apply to your situation. Consequences of Entering a Plea Read More …

About Me
Siding With The Right Legal Team

After spending a lot of time doing what I could to stay on the right path, I ran into a few issues with the law. I found myself making decisions that weren't necessarily positive ones, and before I knew it, I was fighting a few charges. I knew that I couldn't sort things out on my own, so I began working with a team to fight for my rights in court. I started working with a criminal attorney, and he understood what I needed to do in order to make things right. Within a few days, I had completely overhauled my defense, and I was able to lower my charges. To learn more about criminal attorneys, check out these posts.
